Review of Vegan Plant Bar made with Almonds - Cadbury by ftc

photo of Cadbury Vegan Plant Bar made with Almonds shared by @ftc on  06 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Cadbury Vegan Plant Bar made with Almonds shared by @ftc on  06 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Cadbury Vegan Plant Bar made with Almonds shared by @ftc on  06 Apr 2023 - review


#fairtrade, #ethicallymade

Finally I managed to get one of these delicious #chocolate bars to try
Tasko Sweets in Norwood ordered for me
At a reasonable price if R19.90 per bar
I was expecting almonds chips but it’s actually a plain chocolate that’s been made with almonds
#sustainably sourced cocoa


veronicagroen Waite till you had the caramel one! R19.99 is not bad.2 likesReply
ctfloof very good price 👌1 likeReply
veronicagroen Jip, I paid double at takealot1 likeReply
rushisushi7 Very nice, I actually liked these Cadbury ones a lot but it's got polarising opinions. And great price you got! 2 likesReply

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