Review of No Clucks Deluxe Chick'n Sandwich (vegan version) at No Clucks by pdxveg

photo of No Clucks No Clucks Deluxe Chick'n Sandwich (vegan version) shared by @pdxveg on  24 Mar 2023 - reviewphoto of No Clucks No Clucks Deluxe Chick'n Sandwich (vegan version) shared by @pdxveg on  24 Mar 2023 - review

This consisted of a 🌱-based 🐥 patty from Rebellyous Foods that was tender and meaty with a savory, seasoned, crunchy coating, No Clucks sauce, Follow Your Heart Vegenaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and melty 🐮🥛-free cheese. It was great to discover a new delicious and authentic-tasting 🐥-free product.

#veganchicken #veganchickensandwich #anythingyoucaneaticaneatvegan #pdxvegan


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