Review of Zesty Guacamole - Woolworths Food by jeanne-marie

photo of Woolworths Food Zesty Guacamole shared by @jeanne-marie on  20 Feb 2023 - reviewphoto of Woolworths Food Zesty Guacamole shared by @jeanne-marie on  20 Feb 2023 - review

Woolworths Food

Making a mental note that I need to stock up on avocados during winter, make a ton of guacamole and freeze all of it - avo prices are crazy during summer 😣

This zesty guacamole satisfied my avocado craving though 🥑 nice, smooth consistency, but I was hoping the bird’s eye chilli would be more prominent than it was. Easy to spread on toast, mix into pasta or to enjoy with nachos.

💰: 2 FOR R55

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Woolworths Food Hi Jeanne- Marie, we’ve noticed she’s really complimentary of our products and we’re very grateful. We’d like to send you a small token of appreciation, would you please either contact us on social media OR send an email to [email protected], letting us know you're from Abilion and include your full name and her cell number.2 likesReply
jeanne-marie Thanks a bunch for that super generous gift! 🥰💚Reply

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