Review of Almond & Oat Cookie - Kookie cat by irmandadeantispecist

photo of Kookie cat Almond & Oat Cookie shared by @irmandadeantispecist on  27 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Kookie cat Almond & Oat Cookie shared by @irmandadeantispecist on  27 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Kookie cat Almond & Oat Cookie shared by @irmandadeantispecist on  27 Dec 2022 - review

Kookie cat

Galleta de Améndoas e Chocolate Negro con flocos de avea. Non é especialmente doce. #organic

👍 textura, tamaño

👎 envolta en plástico, non é moi económica.

Mercada na 🍃Factoría verde da Coruña.



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