Review of 10 BBQ No Pork Bon Bons - Plant Menu by olivejuice

photo of Plant Menu 10 BBQ No Pork Bon Bons shared by @olivejuice on  20 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Plant Menu 10 BBQ No Pork Bon Bons shared by @olivejuice on  20 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Plant Menu 10 BBQ No Pork Bon Bons shared by @olivejuice on  20 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Plant Menu 10 BBQ No Pork Bon Bons shared by @olivejuice on  20 Dec 2022 - review

Plant Menu

Very nice.

I air fried mine so the crumbs where nice and crispy and they also looked super golden. The inside was soft and slightly meaty but not chewy.

Definitely got the BBQ taste. They are also a little sweet and smoky.

10 for £2 is maybe a little high in price for every day purchasing but they’d be fine if you were doing a buffet spread.

UPDATE: I just knocked a star off taste because these have been “repeating” on me. I don’t know what it is about smoky flavours but they tend to repeat on me later in the day and make me feel a little nauseous. I didn’t think I’d have that problem as these weren’t super smoky. So a word of warning if you have the same issue with smoky things. It sucks because there were nice to eat but I’ll be passing these to someone who likes smoky things 😭

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