Review of Kimchi Flavour Bowl Noodle Soup - Samyang Foods by stevenneoh

photo of Samyang Foods Kimchi Flavour Bowl Noodle Soup shared by @stevenneoh on  14 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Samyang Foods Kimchi Flavour Bowl Noodle Soup shared by @stevenneoh on  14 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Samyang Foods Kimchi Flavour Bowl Noodle Soup shared by @stevenneoh on  14 Dec 2022 - review

Samyang Foods

I've been reviewing loads of #instantnoodles of late, and now I'm taking my #lazyvegan game to new heights 😛 Why even bother getting out a pot and chopping up vegetables and whatever, when you can just put a kettle on and then unload boiling water to get #cupnoodles 😊 To be fair the flavour isn't great (promised #kimchi hardly present), and the texture of the noodles isn't what you'd get from the stuff that you actually have to cook, but omg, to be done and eating in 3 minutes ☺️

Yes, that's the abillion foldable cutlery set. Samyang don't provide single-use plastic cutlery because perhaps their styrofoam cup does enough damage 😅 I am though mightily impressed with how many of their flavours are vegan-friendly - including the one apparently named chicken 🤯


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