Review of Organic Crimini Mushrooms - Trader Joe's by beckyyy
It seems like there’s no middle ground with mushrooms; you love them or you detest them. I love them! ♥️🍄♥️
I like to buy bulk mushrooms but they haven’t always been available since the pandemic started so I usually buy them in plastic cartons now. Thankfully this Trader Joe’s carton itself is recyclable so hopefully that part isn’t wasted.
I use mushrooms in so many dishes but some of my favorites for crimini mushrooms (also known as baby bellas) are as pizza toppings, in red sauce pasta dishes, in gravy, in stroganoff, in vegan pate with walnuts, in fajitas and grilled on skewers. Last night, however, I used some of these mushrooms in a curry.
The texture of these mushrooms is quite meaty once sweated out and browned. They have a slightly earthy and savory (umami) taste.