Review of Arlene Crystal Vegetable Dumpling - Arlene by dafnelately

photo of Arlene Arlene Crystal Vegetable Dumpling shared by @dafnelately on  09 Jun 2022 - reviewphoto of Arlene Arlene Crystal Vegetable Dumpling shared by @dafnelately on  09 Jun 2022 - review


Not the best presentation on my end but.. I was lazy and I don’t feel like getting this again for S$4.90 per box 🥟 It’s alright for 6 dumplings but it’s barely a serving for me. The box says to either steam or microwave it; I opted for the second and later threw it in a peppery soup 🍲 Not a #lazyvegan recommendations unless you’re really into #dumplings I suppose 🫢


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