Review of Hawaiian bowl with pineapple and brown rice - Loma Linda by caropanfan

photo of Loma Linda Hawaiian bowl with pineapple and brown rice shared by @caropanfan on  08 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Loma Linda Hawaiian bowl with pineapple and brown rice shared by @caropanfan on  08 May 2022 - review

Loma Linda


I really wasn’t sure if I would care for this Hawaiian Bowl, with pineapple and brown rice… but it was a rather pleasant surprise! It also features some vegan protein and ginger which takes it up a notch. It was late and I was really hungry and just needed something fast to eat, so gave it a try. It cooked really quickly in the microwave and was very nice and different. I have not tried anything from Loma Linda that I did not immensely enjoy.


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