Review of Crispy Seaweed with Almond Slices - Hot & Spicy - Tong Garden by stevenneoh

photo of Tong Garden Crispy Seaweed with Almond Slices - Hot & Spicy shared by @stevenneoh on  05 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Tong Garden Crispy Seaweed with Almond Slices - Hot & Spicy shared by @stevenneoh on  05 May 2022 - review

Tong Garden

Had me at hot and #spicy πŸ˜‹πŸ”₯ These #seaweed #crisps were more substantial in thickness than I had imagined, and with the flavour of the #almond and the #sesameseeds proved to be a real treat πŸ™‚ Of course, I wasn't having this as a snack (as designed), but as a kitchen improvisation when my core instant noodles ingredients had run out πŸ˜… See, so versatile! πŸ˜›


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