Review of Banana Milk - Mooala by stevenneoh

photo of Mooala Banana Milk shared by @stevenneoh on  29 Apr 2022 - reviewphoto of Mooala Banana Milk shared by @stevenneoh on  29 Apr 2022 - reviewphoto of Mooala Banana Milk shared by @stevenneoh on  29 Apr 2022 - reviewphoto of Mooala Banana Milk shared by @stevenneoh on  29 Apr 2022 - review


So cuuute 😍😍😍 And also so original, can I give six stars?? 🀩🀩🀩 It took me a good while to brain this, I spent easily a minute trying to understand what sort of #banana flavoured nut #mylk this was, until it clicked that this was just banana and #sunflowerseeds 😲

I wish it were thicker and creamier though, and that's something I can't easily modify to my tastes 😐 I added a generous dash of maple syrup as well as that twig of #cinnamon (on top of what they themselves added in production), and it turned out a nice #ditchdairy beverage πŸ˜€


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