Review of Zesty Orange toothpaste - The Green Beaver company by nancytigress
👍This toothpaste is great for many reasons. Natural, fluoride free, Vegan, gluten free, sodium lauryl sulfate free, safe to swallow..
For flavour it does seem very close to when you bit into the zest of an orange. But also it's not as bad. My son and I love this toothpaste. Although our favourite are both another flavour, still with green beaver.
I'd say it's a fresh orange type, not a orange candy flavour. Which is great for toothpaste. You feel like you did brushed your teeth. Leaves your mouth fresh for a while.
What's great about safe to swallow, I am not worried about my son and I using it and possibly him swallowing it or some. 😊
👎I wish it was in a more eco friendly tube. I would take some points off for that. 😕
💲Cost about 7$ a tube
#fluoridefree #glutenfree #natural #toothpaste