Review of Grapefruit Konjac Jelly - Orihiro by stevenneoh

photo of Orihiro Grapefruit Konjac Jelly shared by @stevenneoh on  31 Mar 2022 - reviewphoto of Orihiro Grapefruit Konjac Jelly shared by @stevenneoh on  31 Mar 2022 - review


I'm not really a #jelly sort of person, even with my #sweettooth. But then I got this as part of a gift pack and saw an entry on abillion, so #forthedollar we go! 😁 The plastic packaging is actually so unwieldy, you actually have to cut the thing open at the "snout". #grapefruit flavour. Does this count as kiddy food? Hope so, just so that I can say #growingupisoptional 😇


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