Review of Menstrual Cup - Diva Cup by avecdeschiens

photo of Diva Cup Menstrual Cup shared by @avecdeschiens on  13 Mar 2022 - reviewphoto of Diva Cup Menstrual Cup shared by @avecdeschiens on  13 Mar 2022 - review

Diva Cup

Ladies, ditch the nasty pads and tampons that fill up landfills, put chemicals in your body (unless they’re organic), and get yourself a menstrual cup!

Tampons with plastic applicators are the worst! If you’re going to go for tampons, at least go for cardboard or those without applicators.

I was hesitant to try this, and it definitely took some getting used to (just putting it in properly), but now, I love it! I’ve had mine for over 5 years.

You can keep it in for up to 12 hours, and just need to dump out the blood and rinse/clean when you change it. At the end of your cycle, you just need to boil it in some water, and that sanitizes it.

There are many brands out there, and many that are cheaper than this brand, so I encourage you to try one out!

gemgirl I love it - I had my Diva cup back many years ago - loved the damn thing then in my move to the wilds of Colorado I lost it - please no laughing - well back then I had no money to replace and said I would just free bleed - one of the best things I ever did (less cramping) - but then I got one of those stinking jobs and free bleeding at work just doesn't work lol - so I had to purchase another and it never seemed to fit the same 1 likeReply
avecdeschiens I know there are so many different ones on the market. I wonder if they fit very differently from brand to brand? I’m also intrigued to try period undies like Thinx.1 likeReply

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