Review of Lightly Salted Potato Chips - Calbee by stevenneoh

photo of Calbee Lightly Salted Potato Chips shared by @stevenneoh on  19 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Calbee Lightly Salted Potato Chips shared by @stevenneoh on  19 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Calbee Lightly Salted Potato Chips shared by @stevenneoh on  19 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Calbee Lightly Salted Potato Chips shared by @stevenneoh on  19 Feb 2022 - review


I never knew Calbee did vegan things until I received this humongous goodie bag (4th picture) and was forced to inventory check ๐Ÿ˜… This was one of the few products that I'll be able to review.

To be honest, a fairly unimaginative and nondescript #crisps product ๐Ÿ˜ Lightly salted so a very basic flavour, but that didn't stop me from wolfing it all down in one sitting. It's not that remarkable - consider that this large-ish packet contained just 60g of the good stuff. We've been done by the #airmerchant #deathbyplastic crew again ๐Ÿ˜”

Pretty sure that the nutritionals make for horrifying reading, but they're printed monolingually in Japanese so I can easily choose to #seenoevil ๐Ÿ˜

P.S. I know that isn't a crisps plate, but I got given it for Valentine's and isn't it pretty ๐Ÿ˜€

unejanieย so, what does a crisps plate look like?1 likeReply
stevenneohย ๐Ÿค”Reply

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