Review of Tempeh (Smoky Bacon) - Lightlife by shmoopsify

photo of Lightlife Tempeh (Smoky Bacon) shared by @shmoopsify on  13 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Lightlife Tempeh (Smoky Bacon) shared by @shmoopsify on  13 Feb 2022 - review


I usually make my own tempeh bacon but Grocery Outlet had this for $2 so why not? It has good flavor but was a bit on the dry side. I like to soak and slather mine in the marinade so it’s super flavorful. But I’d buy it again cuz it’s still good.

yarilovezzucchini is it good by itself?Reply
shmoopsify I meant to reply to you but replied to myself. Whoops!1 likeReply
shmoopsify Yes, just not as good as homemade. I ate one strip plain and it was good just needs more of the flavor they have on it, the rest went into breakfast sandwiches.1 likeReply
yarilovezzucchini wait omg that’s perfect. i’ve been prepping breakfast sandwiches for busy mornings and i was looking for other fillings. will be on the look out 👀 1 likeReply
shmoopsify What’s a really good breakfast sandwich filler is the Lightlife sausage. I cut it and press it into patties and do JustEgg, spinach and cheese. It is so good!!Reply
stevenneoh I grew up in a tempeh-loving part of the world but we never ever got anything this cool 🥺2 likesReply
shmoopsify I wish I grew up in a tempeh loving part of the world!!! I could eat it every day.1 likeReply
unejanie it's easy to make with any smoky seasoning. 1 likeReply

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