Review of Gumdrops - 365 Whole Foods Market by yully

photo of 365 Whole Foods Market Gumdrops shared by @yully on  30 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of 365 Whole Foods Market Gumdrops shared by @yully on  30 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of 365 Whole Foods Market Gumdrops shared by @yully on  30 Jan 2022 - review

365 Whole Foods Market

This was okay, I didn’t really enjoy the taste of the gumdrops and also how it stuck to my teeth but there was just this one flavor that liked which was the orange one.

billysnow Everytime i hear/see the word "gumdrops" now, I have to think of the movie "Cube". I love the taste of gumdrops, but hate (like u said) how they stick to your mouth.3 likesReply

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