Review of Vegan bbq chicken panini - Costa Coffee by vegneve

photo of Costa Coffee Vegan bbq chicken panini shared by @vegneve on  15 Jan 2022 - review

Costa Coffee

Rushed to take this photo it seems, probs because I was hungry lol, otherwise I would have taken a better one. I reeeeally hope this stays after January because it was amazing!!! and actually really filling.

The “chicken”’s made using soya protein and wheat gluten strands, which gave it a “pulled chicken” look, the bbq sauce wasn’t packed with flavour for me personally but there was plenty of it at least! It also had roasted peppers, spinach and fried onion included which all tasted really nice eaten altogether.

Absolutely would get this again although it’s £4, I find it’s worth it for it being filling and super tasty! And it also has #ecopackaging !

#veganuary #veganin2022 #panini #lunch #veganuary2022


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