Review of Ketchup Potato Chips - Farm Boy by eveirl

photo of Farm Boy Ketchup Potato Chips shared by @eveirl on  23 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Farm Boy Ketchup Potato Chips shared by @eveirl on  23 Nov 2021 - review

Farm Boy

Acceptable. I'm just happy to find a vegan ketchup chip. Flavor is good but it's too sparse. It gives me natural organic non gmo ketchup vibes, when what I'm looking for is nuclear flavor bomb explosion ketchup. 😔💥

helloitsme If you like spice, Costco has a spicy ketchup flavour, by Lay’s, and, wow, is it GOOD - flavour PUNCH 🥊 ! It’s not as hot as their jalapeño dill flavour, if you’ve tried that.2 likesReply
eveirl The fact that Lay's has a spicy ketchup flavor is the best news I've heard all week! Thank you, I'll keep my eyes peeled 👁️👁️2 likesReply
helloitsme 😄👍 I hope you find it!Reply
svraphael88 I am pretty certain the Lays Spicy Ketchup has milk protein in it, but lemme know if you find out!Reply

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