Review of Pad thai - Plantry by alxvgnmelb

photo of Plantry Pad thai shared by @alxvgnmelb on  10 Oct 2021 - reviewphoto of Plantry Pad thai shared by @alxvgnmelb on  10 Oct 2021 - review


Confession: this is a microwave meal! I’ve been working lots of overtime recently, so having a few on hand is helpful. This Pad Thai from Plantry truly exceeded my expectations. Definitely the freshest, most authentic tasting microwave meal I’ve had. Processed food like this often leaves me with a stodgy feeling but this didn’t at all. Noodles were well cooked and the mock meat was good. Picked it up at Woolworths, can’t remember the exact price but recall it was relatively inexpensive. #thefutureisvegan


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