Review of Toothpaste Bits - Earthly by zsuz

photo of Earthly Toothpaste Bits shared by @zsuz on  25 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of Earthly Toothpaste Bits shared by @zsuz on  25 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of Earthly Toothpaste Bits shared by @zsuz on  25 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of Earthly Toothpaste Bits shared by @zsuz on  25 Aug 2021 - review


I have been using these toothpaste bits for over a year. Overall, I am very satisfied. I am on the quarterly subscription package.
My teeth are clean, the bits foam up enough, the charcoal one also has a minty flavour.
However, as time passes the mint taste gradually fades for both type of bits. Other than that, it’s cruelty free, vegan and proudly South African!


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