Review of 3 Bean Chilli - What’s Cooking? by rosiesargeant

photo of What’s Cooking? 3 Bean Chilli shared by @rosiesargeant on  18 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of What’s Cooking? 3 Bean Chilli shared by @rosiesargeant on  18 Aug 2021 - reviewphoto of What’s Cooking? 3 Bean Chilli shared by @rosiesargeant on  18 Aug 2021 - review

What’s Cooking?

saw this in lidl and wanted to give it a go, ended up enjoying it much more than i expected! has a proper kick to it🔥doesn’t look like a very big portion but comfortably fills a full sized dinner bowl and filled me up completely. i had it with some extra veg but would be perfectly fine without.

connorsvegyjourney Ooooo that looks so good!1 likeReply
rosiesargeant it was!! definitely recommend😁😁1 likeReply
connorsvegyjourney Next time I'm in Lidl I'll definitely have to try it!1 likeReply
rosiesargeant i hope you like it, i’m feeling the pressure now i’m scared in case i hyped it up too much 😂😳1 likeReply
connorsvegyjourney Oh no don't worry! It's no big deal if I don't like it Reply

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