Review of Vegan Marble Cake - Vemondo by koyott
🇫🇷 Le gâteau marbré par Lidl à une jolie présentation et bien moelleux! Plus de chocolat m'aurait plu car je ne le goûte pas trop.
🇬🇧 The marbled cake by Lidl has a nice presentation and very soft! More chocolate would have pleased me because I don't taste it too much. #groingroin
valeveg75 noooooo 😍😍😍😍😍 I want it!!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤1 likeReply
koyott ah ah Valeveg75, if we could barter (that would be si great !!), I will exchange the second cake that I have in stock with the Greek style block from Lidl, because I didn't find it for my part! 😏😉1 likeReply
valeveg75 deal!! 🤝😄1 likeReply
koyott 😄1 likeReply