Review of Hot Chocolate With Coconut at Goodness Bistro (OMGoodness Specialty Breads) by weeney

photo of Goodness Bistro (OMGoodness Specialty Breads) Hot Chocolate With Coconut shared by @weeney on  29 Jul 2021 - reviewphoto of Goodness Bistro (OMGoodness Specialty Breads) Hot Chocolate With Coconut shared by @weeney on  29 Jul 2021 - review

Hot Chocolate with some sort of heavy coconut for ~ $5. Did not enjoy this. The coconut made it so gluggy, heavy and thick. It was confusing to drink as it was almost yoghurt like. Could not finish it and had my friend to. I don't think coconut and hot choc go together. The kombucha in the second pic was house-made and it was peach flavoured. Not bad.


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