Review of Menstrual Cup - Diva Cup by naomimk

photo of Diva Cup Menstrual Cup shared by @naomimk on  11 Jul 2021 - reviewphoto of Diva Cup Menstrual Cup shared by @naomimk on  11 Jul 2021 - review

Diva Cup

This one is for the lady’s / people who menstruate. Made my life so much easier.
If you haven’t tried it yet I would highly recommend.
Been using it for around 4 years now, saving much waste and money.
$39.99 at chemist warehouse.
Been doubting to post this, but let’s normalise menstruation.
Very good to keep track of your flow too and safer than tampons.

min24 Great post! I used a Diva Cup for years. A much more natural feeling and the savings are huge. Highly recommended. Reply

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