Review of Salad Cream - Tesco by don1mclean

photo of Tesco Salad Cream shared by @don1mclean on  13 Jun 2021 - reviewphoto of Tesco Salad Cream shared by @don1mclean on  13 Jun 2021 - review


I've been using this for probably 2 years (only just thought to review it).
I prefer this to mayonnaise: it's got quite a strong vinegar taste, & a hint of egginess & creaminess.
Over the time I've been using it, the price has dropped from over £1 to about 80p, & this is for a 440g bottle. So about 1/4 the price of most mayos I've seen. So, for my tastes, better, & much better value.
Highly recommended (if you like salad cream); obviously not a health product, as contains quite a lot of oil.


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