Review of Custard doughnuts - Morrisons by annamango

photo of Morrisons Custard doughnuts shared by @annamango on  07 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Custard doughnuts shared by @annamango on  07 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Morrisons Custard doughnuts shared by @annamango on  07 May 2021 - review


Yes I am having doughnuts for breakfast 😂 was curious to compare these to the famous Co-op ones - I think the bread of these is fluffier, very nice and airy, but I think the custard flavour isn't very strong. All in all a very nice doughnut and definitely on par with the Co-op ones, and still a really good price! (especially if they are reduced!)


vikas Breakfast of champions 🤩🤩3 likesReply
annamango Thats what I'll tell myself 😂😂2 likesReply

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