Review of Vegan Special Stew at afro-boer® by plantbasedstorm

photo of afro-boer® Vegan Special Stew shared by @plantbasedstorm on  25 Apr 2021 - review

This was on the special board and the waiter told us about it when I asked if there were vegan options. There was only a salad on the menu which I wasn’t interested in with this cold weather. This was a stew with a mix of tomatoes, mushrooms, onion, fresh corn and butternut. The flavour was good, I just wish it was served with rice or something. Great to see vegan options in the heart of Pretoria but also frustrating that this was well over the price of every other dish on the menu when this would have been way cheaper to make 🤷🏼‍♀️ overall it was 6/10.


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