Review of BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) - WhatIF Foods by plantbasedlifestyle

photo of WhatIF Foods BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) shared by @plantbasedlifestyle on  15 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of WhatIF Foods BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) shared by @plantbasedlifestyle on  15 Apr 2021 - review

WhatIF Foods

I recently bought the tasterbox from WhatIF to try since they were having a promotion. Decided to try their sweetcorn soup first (to pair with my homemade sandwich!). Usually i am not a fan of corn soup but this tasted good. It is not too starchy like the ones I am used to. It feels more like the instant mushroom souo that I got from campbell. Similar great taste but much more healthier! Cant wait to try out the others


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