Review of Classic smoked - Field Roast by dafnelately

photo of Field Roast Classic smoked shared by @dafnelately on  23 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Field Roast Classic smoked shared by @dafnelately on  23 Mar 2021 - review

Field Roast

I’ve been on a #fakemeat roll it seems 😏 Okay, so these do not have the same texture nor taste of a frankfurter 🌭 but I honestly prefer it for this 😋 The texture is a bit more kin to a corndog and taste-wise you can tell it isn’t quite meat, but it’s still tasty nonetheless - peppery in fact! These are a lot more affordable than the likes of Beyond Meat so it might just become my go-to for plant based sausages 😄 #abillionwomen #roomtoread

aqualing Can’t take my eyes off the pretty sauerkraut 👀1 likeReply

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