Review of Dried Beans Curd (Sheet) - Plum blossom by oskarvin

photo of Plum blossom Dried Beans Curd (Sheet) shared by @oskarvin on  07 Mar 2021 - review

Plum blossom

We use this dried beans curds to cook scrambled eggs. They final result is very similar to vegan eggs ready mix. Of course it will require a lot of practice to get a great result as we are not professional chefs 😅, but still I enjoy trying new things in the kitchen. Totally worth the try.

paolarux Very interesting, I’m pretty new with vegan diet, so far is hard to find something that replace the eggs, thank you Oskarvin.1 likeReply
oskarvin Was not easy to find egg alternatives, and when you did, they were quite expensive. But recently, new products around are making it more affordable to get them 😊Reply

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