Review of Lasagne - Waitrose by stevenneoh

photo of Waitrose Lasagne shared by @stevenneoh on  06 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Waitrose Lasagne shared by @stevenneoh on  06 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Waitrose Lasagne shared by @stevenneoh on  06 Mar 2021 - review


I live in a land of cheap (and increasingly plant-based) food delivery options, so spending big on imported #readymeals is actually quite hard to justify 😢 Especially when, like this #lasagna, they aren't particularly tasty and are a nutritional nightmare (see second photo) 😩

The #tomato, #lentil, and #soymince sauce was fine if a bit monotonous. But the topping (#pumpkinseeds and #ciabatta #breadcrumbs) was nondescript and added nothing to the dish 😐 Felt quite weird, if anything, as if they'd tried to be too clever 🤷‍♂️😏


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