Review of Dried Chickpeas - Bulk Barn by malarky
When you can’t find something, try Bulk Barn! We made homemade falafel, and needed to make a course chickpea dough (all because we couldn’t find the tasty falafel brand that we used to buy). We usually have fun in the kitchen together, and today was no exception. Used the air fryer, so no oil. #abillionlove
svraphael88 Very impressive!!!2 likesReply
malarky Thanks!2 likesReply
stevenneoh Whoa that looks so wholesome, well done! 👍2 likesReply
flouredfingers Your falafels look delicious, Mary! 👏👏1 likeReply
kerent10 Awesome job! 👏👏👏1 likeReply