Review of Wheat biscuits - ALDI by emmajwheeler

photo of ALDI Wheat biscuits shared by @emmajwheeler on  07 Feb 2021 - reviewphoto of ALDI Wheat biscuits shared by @emmajwheeler on  07 Feb 2021 - review


Cheap and cheerful wheat biscuits from Aldi. The biscuits are smaller in size than the weetabix ones but the price for these is much cheaper.

rikesh I’ve not seen these in Aldi before and never really thought about buying their own brand compared to weetabix but as with anything Aldi does, their own brand stuff is usually great quality so i’ll definately look out for these next time! Plus they’re clearly labelled vegan! Thanks Emma 😊 🌱Reply
mayack Cheap and cheerful, lovely darling :) xxReply

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