Review of Siggis Raspberry Non-dairy Yogurt - siggi’s by stevenneoh

photo of siggi’s Siggis Raspberry Non-dairy Yogurt shared by @stevenneoh on  12 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of siggi’s Siggis Raspberry Non-dairy Yogurt shared by @stevenneoh on  12 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of siggi’s Siggis Raspberry Non-dairy Yogurt shared by @stevenneoh on  12 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of siggi’s Siggis Raspberry Non-dairy Yogurt shared by @stevenneoh on  12 Jan 2021 - review


Siggi's is possibly my favourite #coconutyogurt option, even if in general I stand by my view that coconut milk and sweet aren't best of friends 🙃 The #raspberry gave this a nice tartness and to some extent muted the flavour of the coconut. On an exploratory basis I added cinnamon powder to the fruit bowl, and I enjoyed the end result 😊 This is one of the costlier non-dairy #yoghurt options, but I'm using #veganuary to justify all this extra spend 🤫 #berrylover

heyanajonessy Haha #veganuary is the reason for ALL THAT SPENDING ON FOOD! 1 likeReply
stevenneoh And now there's a lockdown so I shall comfort spend even more 😛😂Reply
bianca1701 Wow!!! Stay safe Steven, we are also in lockdown again 😓1 likeReply
stevenneoh Thanks Bianca, the same to you. This is fine really, I don't get why people complain so much; farm animals live in lockdown their entire lives! 😐Reply
bianca1701 Good point!!! 1 likeReply

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