Review of BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) - WhatIF Foods by akanksha-r

photo of WhatIF Foods BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) shared by @akanksha-r on  11 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of WhatIF Foods BamNut Sweet Corn Soup (DISCONTINUED) shared by @akanksha-r on  11 Jan 2021 - review

WhatIF Foods

Similar to the tomato soup in my review just before this one, the starchy/grainy texture of the nut forms the body of this thick soup. It also requires a lot of stirring to make sure the powder is absorbed thoroughly. (Well, again, the instructions did suggest using a blender but I didn’t...) The sweetcorn taste is evident and pleasant, and there is 0 spiciness despite containing spices such as black pepper. It could really do with a lot more black pepper (and other spices) to fire it up a little. Maybe that’s just my palate.


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