Review of Risotto mix with Truffles - Allessia by svraphael88

photo of Allessia Risotto mix with Truffles shared by @svraphael88 on  22 Nov 2020 - reviewphoto of Allessia Risotto mix with Truffles shared by @svraphael88 on  22 Nov 2020 - reviewphoto of Allessia Risotto mix with Truffles shared by @svraphael88 on  22 Nov 2020 - reviewphoto of Allessia Risotto mix with Truffles shared by @svraphael88 on  22 Nov 2020 - review


This was a great way to experience truffles at an affordable price. I added more mushrooms to the mix, spinach and added all vegan substitutes (ex: vegan butter). It was diiviiinee with some vegan parm and gouda on top! :)


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