Review of Chocolate Cupcakes - Wicked by dandan4

photo of Wicked Chocolate Cupcakes shared by @dandan4 on  09 Oct 2020 - review


These very indulgent chocolate cupcakes are seriously sweet and one is more than enough! Smooth icing and rich sponge is the perfect combo.

alicesabrina I could eat 2 or 3 in one go 😉 I love these! 1 likeReply
vegankenji I wish I could get these. This brand always has stuff I want! I do have the cookbook but I haven’t made much from it yet. 1 likeReply
dandan4 Have you not got a Tesco near you?Reply
vegansuttonmama Can honestly say I ate half a pack of these in one day and didn’t regret it at all 😂1 likeReply

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