Review of Sugarfree Maple Syrup - Queen by stevenneoh

photo of Queen Sugarfree Maple Syrup shared by @stevenneoh on  07 Oct 2020 - reviewphoto of Queen Sugarfree Maple Syrup shared by @stevenneoh on  07 Oct 2020 - review


I appreciate the snout design for this bottle, which helps keep things tidy. But otherwise, strong notes of maple, and good sweetness in spite of being sugar-zero. I'm usually more of a #dirtyvegan 😁, but this is one purchase I don't regret

#maplesyrup #veganisnotscary

waisum What is a dirty vegan? The busuk tak mandi kind?? Hahahaha Reply
waisum Ok I obviously don’t eat “clean” enough to get it the first time lol #teamdirty 1 likeReply

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