Review of 喜來登素便當 Sheraton Hotel Vegetarian Bento at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel by froggie5
Sheraton hotel now offers bento boxes! Good quality for just 120NTD! We ordered them for the office during lunch. The vegetarian bento will vary weekly. The “steak” in the pic is made of mix of mushrooms and other ingredients, quite yummy. Even my non-vegan colleague’s like it! Please refer to pic 2 and 3 for order instructions!
喜來登酒店現在有提供便當! 一份才 120NTD! 我們辦公室點了午餐便當。 素食便當每週都會隨機變。 圖片中的“牛排”是由蘑菇和其他食材製成,非常好吃。 連我的非素食同事都喜歡! 請參考圖2和3訂購說明!