Review of Chickpea Flour - Komati Foods by josiearmadillo

photo of Komati Foods Chickpea Flour shared by @josiearmadillo on  09 Jul 2020 - review

Komati Foods

Bought this from Mini Market in Somerset West. Was a little pricey but I've never bought chickpea flour before so have no idea how much it is in general. Tried to make an omlette with it but kinda ended up more like scrambled eggs instead 🙈 despite its appearance, it still tasted delicious!

simonel Not sure what you paid but Atlas in CT city centre is R16.50 for 500g. Cape Town vegan has a zucchini fritter recipe with chickpea flour on his Instagram page and it's so delicious! Definitely worth a try if you're looking for ways to use the chickpea flour 🙂Reply
josiearmadillo @simoneloh well that is cheap. I'll definitely look into that. Thank you. Reply

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