Review of Chickpeas in Water - Tesco by plantaepy

photo of Tesco Chickpeas in Water shared by @plantaepy on  17 Mar 2020 - reviewphoto of Tesco Chickpeas in Water shared by @plantaepy on  17 Mar 2020 - reviewphoto of Tesco Chickpeas in Water shared by @plantaepy on  17 Mar 2020 - review


Can't believe I didnt like chickpeas so I bought a can and roasted them with some Italian seasoning and they were 11/10!!!

waisum Whutttttt never met anyone who dislikes chickpeas Reply
plantaepy @waisum rightt when I ate them I was like why didn't I like chickpeas againReply
waisum @plantaepy Hahaha glad you gave yourself another chance 😋Reply

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