Review of Ready to enjoy - Brownie Delight - Yummy Doh by candice127

photo of Yummy Doh Ready to enjoy - Brownie Delight shared by @candice127 on  07 Aug 2019 - review

Yummy Doh

I really enjoy this product. Since going Vegan the only thing I really miss is the convenience of premade cookie dough in the grocery store. This is safe enough to eat raw and delicious enough that you will!! Very easy to make #blackgoat

xvxq I always see this but have yet to try it, will definitely have to pick it up next time!1 likeReply
candice127 You have to!!! This to me is by far one of the best cookie doughs I have ever tried. There's only one other that I like more thats called "Sweet Loren's" that makes a brownie cookie. Have you tried it?1 likeReply
xvxq Honestly have not tried any vegan cookie doughs before outside of it being in an ice cream or something. I have used the sweets from the earth dough to bake cookies but thats it. Where do you get it at? 1 likeReply
candice127 Weirdly enough I've only seen it at organic garage and no frills... so random. I'll post a pic now so you know what to look for but you won't be disappointed. I actually tell people it's home made when I bake them 😬🤫Reply
xvxq I will keep an eye out next time I go to Farm Boy to see if they have it there! And technically you did bake them, but your secret is safe with me 😶1 likeReply
candice127 I LOVE FARM BOY 😍 and they would actually probably have them too... and thank you for keeping my secret lolReply
xvxq I am so glad they opened up that location on Bathurst! Love being able to get vegan hot foods! I always end up get Ben and Jerry's Netflix & Chilll'd flavour everywhere when I go to buy ice cream so something new will be nice1 likeReply
candice127 Yes! I'm so happy too! Up until then I was driving out to the Etobicoke location. It's about a 35 minute walk for me but I don't mind on a sunny day. I more frequent Organic Garage in liberty because it's so close but Farm Boy has the best selection 1 likeReply
xvxq Thats some commitment! Previously before this Farm Boy I had only been once to one near College and Yonge? I think around there. Organic Garage is nice but I find some things are a bit pricey there, used to go to the one in Oakville all the time when I was at Sheridan. And ya it's decent area to walk around in especially with Skackt being there now as well1 likeReply
candice127 Yeah it is a bit pricey for some things, I mostly go for vegan cheese and Choose Life pattys. We're so lucky to be plant based now... imagine the vegans 40 years ago without all these wonderful things 😨1 likeReply
xvxq Never heard of those pattys before! Ya even the last 5 years has been such a great improvement, I remember when I first when vegan it was pretty much earth island veganese and a bunch yves stuff. Toronto is amazing for the amount of different options, I feel like a lot of smaller towns still havent caught up, so many times having french fries or a side salad lolReply
candice127 Totally, although I don't mind french fries 😊 lol Is that your dog in your profile pic BTW?Reply
xvxq Ya thats fair french fries are usually a solid choice haha. Ya thats Navi, she is a 5 year old Husky . You have a dog as well?1 likeReply
candice127 Yes I do, I have a Bull Terrier. Her name is Shannon ♥️1 likeReply
xvxq Aw, I don't see many Bull Terriers around, there is one called Yo I see at Stanley park some nights though1 likeReply
candice127 There's one that lives down the street from me. His name is Steve 😭 Shannon hates him though lol1 likeReply
xvxq Steve and Shannon, perfect for each other lol1 likeReply
candice127 I thought so too, but she's picky I guess lol 1 likeReply
xvxq Haha ya I totally get that1 likeReply

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