Review of Bean Sprout (Mixed Veg Rice) at Kwek Seng Huat Eating House (Anchorvale) by piggy-egg

photo of Kwek Seng Huat Eating House (Anchorvale) Bean Sprout (Mixed Veg Rice) shared by @piggy-egg on  25 Nov 2022 - reviewphoto of Kwek Seng Huat Eating House (Anchorvale) Bean Sprout (Mixed Veg Rice) shared by @piggy-egg on  25 Nov 2022 - reviewphoto of Kwek Seng Huat Eating House (Anchorvale) Bean Sprout (Mixed Veg Rice) shared by @piggy-egg on  25 Nov 2022 - review

#EveryEffortCount 25Nov #301/365 #1731
Spent $2.70 for 3 vegetables and rice! This bean sprout was not too bad but I don’t think I will eat again 😂
#mixedvegrice #beansprout #forthedollar


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