Review of Maple Syrup - Martha Stewart by tamiapple

photo of Martha Stewart Maple Syrup shared by @tamiapple on  07 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Martha Stewart Maple Syrup shared by @tamiapple on  07 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Martha Stewart Maple Syrup shared by @tamiapple on  07 Feb 2022 - review

Martha Stewart

Made with one ingredient: maple syrup. Tastes just like you hope it will & elevates breakfast favorites into something special & sweet. Added bonus: Snoop Dogg approved.

danielgl There's nothing like it!3 likesReply
tamiapple Agreed, it’s fabulous 😊3 likesReply
minmarmag 🤤3 likesReply
tamiapple 😋2 likesReply
stevenneoh #sweettooth 😊3 likesReply
fulfilling Did you make the pancakes? 2 likesReply
tamiapple Yes, I did - so easy & delish! 🥞l used Birch Benders brand - I reviewed the mix recently & highly recommend it! 😊2 likesReply
fulfilling Thank you! They look really good!1 likeReply
tamiapple Thanks so much 😊 They taste even better than they look! 😋1 likeReply
fulfilling That is the most important, isn’t it? I gave dishes that don’t turn out looking good, but taste awesome! 1 likeReply
tamiapple Agreed & ditto! 😊1 likeReply
fulfilling I meant *have, not gave 1 likeReply
tamiapple I knew what you meant! 😊1 likeReply

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