Review of Organic Cacao Nibs - Navitas by yarilovezzucchini

photo of Navitas Organic Cacao Nibs shared by @yarilovezzucchini on  27 Dec 2021 - reviewphoto of Navitas Organic Cacao Nibs shared by @yarilovezzucchini on  27 Dec 2021 - review


i use cacao nibs in everything. they add a nice crunch. i like them in smoothies, trail mix, oatmeal, muffins, and other desserts. the first time i tried them i found them too bitter but i’ve grown to love them.

made from organic cacao bean, an excellent source of fiber

timvegmalone I love cacao nibs! I’m glad I kept trying them in different ways, because the flavor definitely had to grow on me at first too! They are delicious in so many ways.1 likeReply

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