Review of Lemon essential oil - NOW® by kerent10

photo of NOW® Lemon essential oil shared by @kerent10 on  19 Sep 2021 - reviewphoto of NOW® Lemon essential oil shared by @kerent10 on  19 Sep 2021 - review


I love the scent of the #lemon #essentialoil 🥰🍋
it can be used for all kinds of things. One of my favorite usages is

💚 homemade carpet deodorizer 💚

Here’s how to do that (taken from this website:

🌱 Combine 4 TBSPs of baking soda in a container. Add about 10-15 drops of your essential oil and mix.
🌱 Sprinkle all over the carpet, giving special attention to the areas that are most stinky. 🌱 Don't grind it in, just let it sit, preferable overnight.
🌱 Vacuum the entire mixture up thoroughly.

Enjoy the lemon 🍋 aroma 🤗


kerent10 #lifehacks 🤗1 likeReply

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