Review of Tododia crema para manos cereza y avellana - Natura by abi88

photo of Natura Tododia crema para manos cereza y avellana shared by @abi88 on  29 Jul 2021 - review


During this covid-times for sure your hands have been under the intensive exposure to ethanol 70% or similar — after the long exposure the hands become dry — the best solution I have found is natura moisturizer— this one has an incredible smell and of course is made with high quality and #natural ingredients — cherry and hazelnut smell is delicious ❣️

Love Natura products -❤️ and taquito in the back


valeveg75 Taquito is very fluffy 🤗🥰🐾😽5 likesReply
valibabali , 🐱💙❤️2 likesReply
tamiapple 🐈💕1 likeReply

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