Review of Chocolate amargo con Avellana entera - Ritter Sport by crostina

photo of Ritter Sport Chocolate amargo con Avellana entera shared by @crostina on  07 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of Ritter Sport Chocolate amargo con Avellana entera shared by @crostina on  07 Apr 2021 - review

Ritter Sport

Here’s an other chocolate I really like. It’s creamy and sweet, but not too sweet, and with the hazelnut it’s just amazing.
Este es otro chocolate que me gusta mucho, es cremosito y dulce aunque no muy dulce, y con la avellana simplemente está delicioso.

giuliettaveg Hi, I’m sorry to let you know that this isn’t vegan, it contains grasa butirica!😔Reply

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