Review of Plant One On Me at Bin 4 Burger Lounge by maggiehertzberg

photo of Bin 4 Burger Lounge Plant One On Me shared by @maggiehertzberg on  25 Jan 2021 - review

I don’t say this lightly, this burger was delicious. The flavours were seasonal and cozy. Total comfort food but modern and a nice herby flavour profile. You will always rope me in with tomato jam.

(lentils, wild mushrooms, rosemary, thyme, almond flour, oats, sunflower seeds, vegan mozzarella, tomato jam, crispy tortilla, vegan red pepper aioli, butter lettuce)

malarky I am very grateful to you maggie, as we have not heard of this place! :-D <—this is me very happy!!1 likeReply

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